Embrace Tranquility: An Interactive Reiki Experience to Navigate Stress and Pressure

Uncategorized Dec 06, 2024
Hey there! 😊 
Feeling like life's pressures are weighing you down? I get it. We all have those days when stress seems to have the upper hand. But what if I told you there's a way to transform that tension into tranquility? Welcome to "Embrace Tranquility: An Interactive Reiki Experience to Navigate Stress and Pressure"!
Are you the person I'm looking for? Someone seeking a peaceful escape from the chaos? This experience is tailored just for you. Picture this: a serene space where you can unwind, breathe, and let the healing power of Reiki wash over you.✨
But don't just take my word for it! Madina, one of our attendees, said, "After just one session, I felt more at peace than I have in months. It's like a weight was lifted off my shoulders."
So, ready to embrace tranquility and discover a new way to handle stress? Join me and find your path to peace. 🌿
Want a live in-person private reiki treatment book here.
Book here for a private distant reiki treatment.
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Rise Up: Your Personal Guide to Conquering Stress and Embracing Wellness 🌟

Uncategorized Dec 05, 2024

When facing fear, overwhelm, anxiety, and stress, it's essential to keep ourselves in check, as no one else will do it for us—unfortunately, that's a reality. To help you navigate through high-stress periods, such as the December holidays or other challenging times (like family issues, loss, or work-related stress), I've compiled some key tips for you to follow and implement.

Key journaling exercises for anxiety and fear release include:

  • Worry Flow: List worries without editing, then identify controllable ones.
  • Stream of Consciousness Writing: Write freely without censoring thoughts.
  • Gratitude Journaling: Daily list of things you're grateful for.
  • Letter to Your Anxiety: Address your anxiety directly in a letter.
  • Emotional Weather Report: Describe your emotional state using weather terms.
  • "Why" Deep Dive: Ask "why" to explore the root of strong emotions.
  • Future Self-Soothing: Write down comforting activities to use during anxiety.

Important journaling tips:

  • Write...
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How to process your emotions in healthy, productive ways

Uncategorized Dec 03, 2024

As the holiday season is now in full swing, it’s essential to maintain our sanity. To help with this, I’ve put together a brief guideline for you to follow during this potentially stressful time.

  • Recognize Your Emotions:

    • Pay attention to your physical sensations and thoughts to gain insight into the emotions you are experiencing.
  • Label Your Emotions:

    • Articulate your feelings to enhance your understanding of them.
  • Accept Your Emotions:

    • Allow yourself to feel negative emotions rather than suppressing or avoiding them.
  • Practice Mindfulness:

    • Engage in activities like Reiki, deep breathing exercises, or pole dancing to heighten your awareness of emotions in the present moment.
  • Journaling:

    • Document your thoughts and feelings to process them and identify recurring patterns. I, as a Holistic Coach, can support you in this journey as well.
  • Physical Activity:

    • Exercise is an effective way to release pent-up emotions and elevate your moo...
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Embrace Serenity: A Live Reiki Journey to Inner Peace featuring depression

Uncategorized Oct 16, 2024

Experience a transformative Reiki session crafted just for you! Simply press play and open your heart to receive energy for your highest good, whether you choose to keep your eyes open or closed, or even while you're asleep or busy with work.

Embrace your inherent worthiness to absorb the healing and rejuvenating energy of love. Join Krista at Jez-Mir-Izing as she guides you through a journey with Reiki, gently helping you break free from the confines of self-limiting beliefs. This experience invites you to rise into more loving and expansive states of being. As you receive, you will find greater peace within yourself, empowering you to nurture love in your heart for both yourself and others—love that enriches all your relationships and actions. From this empowered space, you contribute to positive change in the world. As more individuals discover this inner transformation, the ripple effect creates new possibilities within our global community. Be the change you wish to see. Fe...

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Hot to cleanse + raise the energy in your home

Uncategorized Oct 16, 2024


See what and how Holistic Health Coach Krista cleanses homes and raises the energy as well. Holistic Health Coach Krista employs a variety of techniques to cleanse homes and elevate their energy. Here’s a deeper look into her methods and philosophies:
  • Energy Clearing Techniques: I incorporates several energy clearing techniques, such as:
    • Smudging: Using sage or other herbs to cleanse the space of negative energy.
    • Crystal Healing: Placing specific crystals throughout the home to enhance and balance energy.
  • Creating Sacred Spaces: I emphasize the importance of creating sacred spaces within the home. I guide clients in selecting areas for meditation, relaxation, or personal reflection, enhancing the overall vibrational energy of the environment.
  • Mindful Practices: I teach clients mindful practices that can be integrated into their daily routines. These may include:
    • Gratitude Journaling: Encouraging a daily practice of writing down positive experiences to elevate emotion...
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Why Meditation helps with Anxiety

Uncategorized Oct 09, 2024
Do you experience high levels of anxiety or even anxiety attacks? Join Coach Krista on Zoom as she explains how meditation can help alleviate anxiety and fear. And don't miss out! Stay tuned until the end for a step-by-step guided meditation session with Coach Krista. 

Want to schedule a free breakthrough Zoom call or a Reiki session with Coach Krista? 

Click here to schedule a free breakthrough Zoom call.

Click here to schedule a Reiki session.

Join Coach Krista live via Zoom every Wednesday at 12:0 p.m. CST to discuss holistic health. Free to join. Click here to join!

Want to receive a quick live distant Reiki moment? Join Coach Krista every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. via Zoom and lets unlock inner peace <3. Free to join. Click here to join!

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What do you need in order to build self assurance?


Have you ever wondered if there is a difference to self confidence and self assurance? 

Well, let's look at the definitions according to google.com. Self Assurance is confidence in one's own abilities. Self confidence is a feeling of trust in one's abilities, qualities, and judgment.

So, based off theses two definitions they are similar, however, unique in their own way as well... for now we are going to focus on self assurance. 

So, how can you build your self assurance tool box up? 

Here are some techniques that I encourage you to do and and then comment below what you discovered about:

Recognize what you're good at

  • we all have strengths and challenges so make a list of strengths and weaknesses first
  1. Build positive relationships
    • I know this is easier said than done, however, attending groups or communities that you are interested in will help you to gain friends and you will soon find one's you resonate with and do not
  2. Be kind to yourself
    • without kindness we
    • ...
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Why should I Rise Up to my own empowerment?

Uncategorized Mar 18, 2023

While you might think as a women you need to fight for gender equality, your community and allowing women to work boldly as managers, CEO's, doctors, etc. For women to make sure poverty rates decrease, and families are being raise strong and independently. Yes, you are right women can participate in ALL of this and encourage one another. BUT, that is not where it starts! 

It STARTS with YOU first! Yes, YOU! You must rise up to you first, before you can fight and empower anybody else. Yes, we can be excited for another's successes. But, we need to take the steps necessary to empower ourselves and rise up to our own health and confidence, so that we can empower other women as necessary.

Here are some of the benefits of Self-Empowerment.

  1. Make decisions that are in your best interest.
  2. Capable of changing your own life.
  3. Live a life that is truly fulfilling.
  4. Have the belief and power to take control of your life.
  5. Feel more confident making decisions and boosts your confidence in gen
  6. ...
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What self-time REALLY means

retreat self self time Jan 02, 2023

Did you know that self-time is actually a thing? YES, it is, and YOU DESERVE IT! WE ALL DO :).

According to the Urban dictionary self-time means to take time out for your self. AKA attend a retreat, go for a walk, get a massage, read a book. Basically whatever brings you happiness and allows your heart, body, mind, and soul time to rejuvenate, rest, and be well. 

So what are ways that you can take self-time and how do you start? 

  1. Discover your needs 
    1. Do you find yourself saying "I need break", "I could use a vacation", "I need a time-out", etc., well these are your signs!
  2. Figure out what the needs that you need are specifically
  3. Create a plan in what you will do to cater your needs
    1. This may involve additional help, or guidance, and this is okay, reach out to your best friend, a coach, or counselor for extra help. 
      1. Coach Krista here at JRC can help! You are always welcome to schedule a FREE breakthrough call to discover what options we have here at JRC and what type o
      2. ...
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Krista Schafer and Molly (student) featured on Kx News

coach confidence fitness reiki Jan 25, 2022

Watch Krista Schafer- Holistic Coach specializing in Pole Fitness, Reiki, Personal Training, and Health and Nutrition and Molly (Krista's student) discuss with Kx News about getting back into the groove of self confidence post the pandemic.  

Click here https://www.kxnet.com/news/__trashed-19/

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